Luminelle system for hysteroscopy surgery allows patients to forgo anesthesia, saving anxiety, time & cost

The new Luminelle system of hysteroscopy surgery, performed by Dr. Warren “Jay” Huber, eliminates risks from anesthesia, improving recovery time and adjustment from being unconscious. It also reduces costs, time and inconvenience for the patient. This advanced system is used to perform a hysteroscopy, a frequently used infertility evaluation tool that can both identify and correct certain conditions preventing pregnancy.
The Fertility Institute is the only fertility practice in the state and one of few in the country that has the new Luminelle DTx System.
“We’ve taken a procedure traditionally performed in a hospital operating room, where patients have to take the day off and go under anesthesia, and placed it in-office, where the procedure takes 10-15 minutes in a familiar setting with no anesthesia.” – Dr. Huber
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