Tubal Ligation
Tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” is a surgical procedure that’s designed to prevent women from getting pregnant. Many women choose to undergo tubal ligation when they’re finished having children. However, sometimes circumstances change, and some women decide they do want to have children after a tubal ligation. The Fertility Institute of New Orleans can help you grow your family using personalized fertility treatments.
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Can I Have Children After a Tubal Ligation?
While tubal ligations are considered a sterilizing surgical procedure, there are options for growing your family after you’ve had one: a tubal ligation reversal or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
A tubal ligation surgery involves blocking, cutting, or tying off the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy. Reversing tubal ligation requires surgery. There is no guarantee you will be able to conceive after reversing a tubal ligation; many women struggle with infertility even after a reversal.
Fertility after a tubal ligation often depends on how the tubal ligation was performed, how well you healed, and when the procedure was done.
In Vitro Fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) has a higher chance of success than reversing a tubal ligation if you are interested in growing your family. By fertilizing an egg with sperm outside of the body and transferring the fertilized embryo back into the uterus, the fallopian tubes are completely bypassed during the IVF process. Therefore, prior tubal ligation has little impact on the success of an IVF procedure.
The IVF process begins with a consultation, which allows us to recommend fertility testing. Then, you’ll begin taking ovarian stimulation medication, which encourages the follicles in your ovaries to develop and mature. Once your fertility specialist determines the follicles have grown to the right size, you’ll receive a “trigger shot,” a hormone injection, to mature the eggs completely, and they will be retrieved three days later.
In our state-of-the-art IVF lab, your fertility specialist will fertilize the eggs with sperm from your partner or a donor and monitor the embryo for five days. The day-5 embryo will then be transferred into the uterus for implantation.
IVF Process
Preserving Fertility Before Tubal Ligation
People have tubal ligations for a variety of reasons. In addition to preventing pregnancy, it can reduce your risk of ovarian cancer and other diseases.
If you are having a tubal ligation but want to keep your options open for the future, consider cryopreservation. Egg freezing is a way to store your eggs, or fertilized embryos, for the future. You can use those eggs or embryos via IVF when you’re ready to become pregnant.
You can discuss your future family plans with our fertility specialists. We will help you determine if you are a good candidate for fertility preservation and help you grow your family when the time comes.
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