Although these are instructions given to FINO patients the day before they are to have Embryo transfer, they may be of interest to you even If you are still thinking about whether to have an IVF procedure or have not yet made an appointment to talk to a FINO fertility specialist.
IVF transfer day is finally here. This is the day your doctor will be placing your embryo in your uterus. Embryo transfer is a simple procedure that follows in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is often considered the simplest and final step of the IVF process. In order for your egg transfer to be successful, the embryo needs to attach to the wall of your uterus (in your endometrial lining). Whether or not this will be a success comes down to 2 things: The quality of the embryo and your uterus’ receptiveness.
Transfer day is an exciting event, but it can also be a stressful one. After all, you have been waiting a long time for this day, so you want to do everything you can to help your transfer be a success. Wondering how you can prepare your body to have the best chance at pregnancy? Here are 7 ways to prepare your embryo and your uterus for IVF:
- Getting Your Body Ready – Fertility cleansings are especially helpful for your uterus. Think of this as getting your uterus ready to be your baby’s first home. Also, fertility massages are a great way to reduce tension hidden deep inside the skin and get the blood circulation moving. You can do a fertility massage, by yourself at home. Gently massage your abdomen, ovaries, and uterus prior to ovulation. This helps digestion, removes toxins from the body and increases blood flow to ovaries. Fertility yoga is another great way to relieve the stress in your body.
- Eat as if you’re already pregnant – By not focusing on one food or group of foods, you can ensure that you have the balanced nutrition you need to build a healthy baby. Your diet should be nutritionally balanced with lots of protein, fiber, and vegetables. Avoid foods like high-mercury fish and soft cheeses, and check with your doctor about any vitamins or supplements you should be taking. Of course, avoid all harmful substances such as alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.
- Never underestimate the power of excellent supplements! Take pre-natal vitamins, folic acid and Coenzyme to improve egg quality. Taking iron can help make your blood healthy and rich. L-Arginine will help your uterine lining stay healthy. Increased Omega-3 intake during preconception phase greatly improves embryo quality in women undergoing IVF. Ask your doctor which supplements are best for you.
- Blood circulation matters – Keep your body warm. You will want to avoid having cold feet or a cold tummy because you want your blood circulating to your uterus. Getting the right amount of exercise (walking, riding a bike) is also helpful. After the transfer, you should take it easy but not be stationary. Keep your circulation flowing. Finally, avoid activities that may raise your body temperature too high (no baths, Jacuzzis or saunas), as well as any heavy lifting.
- Don’t skimp on sleep – There will be a lot going on inside your body so get plenty of rest. If taking naps is not an option for you, at least make sure to get adequate sleep each night.
- Look for Ways to Relieve Stress – Staying positive will help reduce stress. Take time to watch your favorite comedy and laugh. Laughing releases endorphins into your body which decreases your stress levels!
- Make sure you have an experienced doctor who follows protocols –The Fertility Institute is a Charter Member of the IVF Registry and of the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Our laboratory is certified by the College of American Pathologists. The Fertility Institute continues to have great success using IVF for patients with varying causes of infertility. We all care about our patients and are as delighted as they are with every pregnancy. If you would like to learn more about the procedure or any of our other ART techniques, please contact our office to make an appointment with one of our fertility specialists. are devoted to your care
Contact The Fertility Institute today to talk to one of our fertility doctors in Mandeville, Metairie, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans.