200th FINO baby born through GIFT, a precursor to IVF

In 1988 Leta Fletcher and her husband made an appointment with The Fertility Institute of New Orleans (FINO) in hopes of having a family. After nearly a decade of struggling with infertility, FINO’s state-of-the-art technology and fertility experts helped Leta conceive through gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) in 1989. GIFT is an earlier treatment similar to in vitro fertilization (IVF), the most successful infertility treatment today.
Despite her challenges with endometriosis and a hormonal imbalance, Leta gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Her daughter, Julie, was the 200th FINO baby to be born with the expertise and assistance of our fertility specialists. In 2021 Julie welcomed two healthy twin daughters of her own.
“It’s amazing how far we have come with reproductive science since Leta was our patient,” says Dr. Jay Huber, FINO medical director.
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Pelican State Press