7 Lifestyle Changes That Could Boost Your Fertility

You may already know that a woman’s age or weight can affect her ability to conceive. But what about the many other factors that can affect fertility? From practicing good dental hygiene to using the right kind of lubricant, here are 7 ways to boost your baby making potential:

A report by The American Society for Reproductive Medicine estimated that smoking is linked to 13 percent of infertility cases. Researchers at the University of Toronto also found that women who were exposed to secondhand smoke more than 6 hours a day were 36 percent more likely to have trouble conceiving.

Some antidepressants or mood stabilizers affect your ability to conceive because they make your body produce more prolactin, a hormone that interferes with ovulation. If you are unsure about how your medication may be affecting your fertility, call us at the Fertility Institute and one of our fertility specialists will be happy to meet with you to discuss your options.

A study published in Fertility and Sterility linked artificial nighttime light exposure to fertility problems. Late-night light exposure suppresses the production of melatonin, the “sleep hormone”, which protects eggs from damaging free radicals, particularly during ovulation.

A study in the Journal of Periodontology found that women who needed fertility treatments had higher levels of gum bleeding and inflammation than those who conceived naturally.

Certain lubricants can actually impair fertility by affecting sperm. Try a sperm-friendly lubricant, such as Pre-Seed.

In Clinical Science, a study showed that fertility was increased for women who consumed half their daily calories in the morning. For at least one month prior to conception, expectant mothers should take a 400 mg daily folic acid supplement, to ensure they have all the proper nutrients.

Phthalates are synthetic chemicals that are used in plastics and some cosmetics. Women with more phthalates in their systems were twice as likely to suffer from implantation failure after IVF procedures, according to a study by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.